Viki Community Guidelines

Thank you for being part of the Viki Community! Here we share a passion for discovering great content from around Asia, and for breaking down the language barriers that stand between great entertainment and its fans.

Reviews, Timed Comments, Comments, Fan Collections, and Watch Parties are some of the unique features on Viki intended to help you discover, explore and enjoy Asian entertainment content, and connect with other fans from all over the world.

Please make sure to follow these Viki Community Guidelines, the Viki Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for everyone. These Viki Community Guidelines may be updated from time to time so we encourage you to check it occasionally.

By contributing and/or publishing any content anywhere on Viki, you agree to:

  1. Be Respectful
    1. Please treat others the way you'd like to be treated. To protect and preserve the integrity of the Viki Community, we do not tolerate any conduct that:
      1. Incites, condones, or promotes any form of derogation, discrimination(based on race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc.), abuse, personal attacks, insults, trolling, bullying, harassing, use of violence and/or threatening behavior made against others, including but not limited to the show's cast and production team, fellow members of the wider Viki Community, or Viki staff, under any circumstances.
      2. Aggressively insults, demeans or bashes other users' fandom affiliations, e.g. idols, actors. Not liking someone else's idol and having different opinions is fair but please remain respectful at all times.
    2. Viki supports inclusiveness and does not tolerate any of the mentioned above of any sort and in any form (including images) on our platform for whatever reason.
      1. No expletives or profanities.
        Remember that there are people of all ages accessing Viki and everyone has different tolerance levels towards use of coarse language. Please refrain from using expletives and profanities when posting content on Viki.
      2. No spamming or other malicious conduct
        Please do not:
        1. Post repetitive, irrelevant or unwanted content.
        2. Post false, misleading or deceptive content or misinformation. Impersonating anyone, including but not limited to impersonating Viki staff, or otherwise falsely claiming to work for Viki
        3. Falsely report users for abuse or breaching these Viki Community Guidelines.
        4. Post unauthorized promotional material or advertisements, including mentions of other streaming services or sites(legal or Illegal).
        5. Post sexually explicit, pornographic, extremely violent or disturbing content in any form.
        6. Solicit outside products, business, goods or services to others or from others.
        7. Abuse any of the Viki features for the primary purpose of inflating, deflating, or manipulating a show's or movie's performance on Viki to favor a particular artist or idol.
        8. Post show licensing information on this or any other forum - it is prohibited
        9. Make any final demands or statements of terms, to which the rejection of it will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations. Please avoid even the appearance of what can be considered an ultimatum.
      3. No spoilers
        Nobody likes spoilers. “Spoiling” is the act of revealing plot details in a show or movie which, if previously known, may reduce the element of surprise or suspense and overall viewing experience for a viewer. Please refrain from including spoilers in any of the content you publish. Adding *Spoiler alert* does not prevent it from being a spoiler. Discussing fan theories and predictions of what may happen in future episodes are not considered spoilers.
      4. Do not share or ask for private information about yourself or others.
        This is the best way to stay safe online and protect yourself from illegal phishing and scams. We will never ask you to share your private information in a public forum including within the Viki features. Similarly, you should respect the privacy of others and never share others’ information.

        Here are some examples of private information which you should not share with others or request from others:
        1. Email address
        2. Location
        3. Phone number
        4. Username
        5. Real name
        6. Password
        7. Age
        8. Private Messages (PMs), ticket responses or other forms of correspondence between you and members of the Viki Community and/or Viki staff (via links, images, copy/paste, etc.)
      5. No plagiarism or violation of rights
        Viki supports originality, takes intellectual property rights seriously, and is committed to respecting and protecting the legal rights of copyright owners. Violating a copyright can happen when you, for example, take other's creative work and alter it, pass it off as your own or post it in other locations without the proper permissions. We ask that you:
        1. To not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone's intellectual property (software, video, audio, images, etc.), or for breaking any other law.
        2. Respect the copyrights and other legal and intellectual property rights of others.
        3. Ensure that you do not plagiarize or otherwise infringe the intellectual property rights of others, especially if you intend to use non-original work.

        Please note that our Terms of Use expressly prohibit users from posting content that violates the rights of others (including their intellectual property, proprietary or other rights).
  2. Appreciate the Contributors
    1. We know you can't wait to watch the latest episode or movie with subtitles in your language! Our talented Contributors spend a lot of time and effort creating and curating most of the subtitles you enjoy on Viki. We ask that you respect, recognize and honor the work done by the Contributors. Which includes to not upload Viki content and/or subtitles to other platforms - this is prohibited and violating it will result in account deletion.
    2. If subtitles for a show are incomplete, please understand that our Contributors are probably still passionately working on them! We ask for your patience as our Contributors need some time to ensure quality subtitles. You may wish to make a request for subtitles for a particular show here or perhaps join our Contributor community to become part of the process!
    3. You can also show your appreciation and support for our Contributors by tapping on the ♥ button in the “Subtitle team” tab on each show's channel and thank the team on the channel's comment section. Learn more about subtitle creation on Viki here.
    4. In addition to these general guidelines, each Viki feature may have its own supplementary rules, guidelines and best practices. Please refer to the links below for more information:
      1. Reviews guidelines and best practices
      2. Watch Party Live Chat Rules
      3. Timed Comments Policy
      4. Viki Comment Policy
  3. Disciplinary Actions
    1. Viki retains the right to remove user content at any time, and to suspend and/or delete user accounts that violate our guidelines without prior notice. It is in our absolute discretion to decide when a user has violated our guidelines.
    2. Some severe violation examples that will result in an Immediate deletion of user accounts are:
      Illegal activity, such as uploading Viki content and/or subtitles to other platforms, extreme trolling, acting as business, grossly inappropriate links or images, extreme spamming, failure to correct previous bad behavior, etc.
    3. NOTE: The content posted on Viki by users represents the opinions of individual members of the Viki Community and not of Viki. Viki does not endorse any of the opinions expressed by members of the Viki Community.
  4. Reporting the failure to follow these Guidelines
    1. Please follow these instructions to report content and/or someone for violating the Viki Community Guidelines.